FM Logistic and its corporate foundation FM Foundation have renewed for the 3rd year their partnership with DetskieDomiki Foundation for the Successor Academy project which contributes to the integration of young orphans through the discovery of the world of work. The graduation ceremony was the last festive event of the annual program and took place on June 17.
The programme of the “Successor Academy” consists of career guidance sessions, thematic conferences, trainings and guided visits on the FM Logistic platforms. In addition to the theoretical knowledge of jobs, presented in a fun form, students from Grade 8 to Grade 9 were able to try themselves as employees of different jobs in the logistics sector. The young students participated enthusiastically in the training, passed in a responsible manner all the instructions on safety and protection of the work and studied the equipment of the warehouse with great interest.
Oleg Alkhamov, Managing Director of FM Logistic in Russia, gave a welcome speech. He explained the importance of this program to the company, shared his memories, his motivation to study and how his desire for knowledge helped him find the area in which he succeeded.
“It’s important to find yourself, find your favorite job, and if you do exactly what you really love, then success is guaranteed.”
Olivier Szyperski, Director of Operations of FM Logistic in Russia, and Nadezhda Klimanova, delegate of FM Foundation in Russia, shared their impressions on the “Successor Academy” program. They explained to the children how the company helps children from other countries to acquire knowledge and develop interest in the profession, wished them a good success in their lives and to thrive in the jobs they will choose.
Thanks to the FM Foundation and the DetskyDomiki Foundation, students have experienced their first and important professional success and no longer hesitate to choose logistics as their future job!